The Aligned Living System Podcast

The Aligned Living System Podcast

Hosted by: David Waldas and Nick Musica

Our world continues to change and push us in ways that we have not been challenged before. On this show we talk about theses challenges, how to be aware of them, face them, and overcome them in your life. Learn...

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Episode 24: Holding Your Energetic Shape to Create

In this episode David and Nick explore creating our own microcosms and the contrast with the collective. How do we become more effective? What does holding our shape and forward movement look like? Going from being...
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Episode 23: Moving Forward vs. Getting Sidetracked

In this episode David and Nick explore: Why do we get so distracted and put our energy into things that don’t move us forward? What role do our goals and how we set them play in this? This episode may help you rethink...
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Episode 22 The Threshhold Where Everything Changes for Us

In this podcast David and Nick explore our own energetics and what happens when we move past a certain frequency threshold. We have a lot more control over this than we realize. They explore that threshold and what it...
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Episode 21: Empaths, Intuition, and Discernment

In this episode David and Nick discuss how we often treat the information we pick up through our empathic gifts different from the info we hear or see. It is so easy to give it more value since it feels like it comes...
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Episode 20: Are You Secretly Withholding Love From Yourself?

Jeanine O'Connor is back In this episode with David to explore self-love. This is a powerful and revealing conversation about what happens when we are resisting loving ourselves, what it creates in our relationships...
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Episode 19: Balancing Being of Service with -What Do I want Out of This?

In this episode David and Nick explore balancing what we offer to the world with how it feeds us. If we don't explore this topic we often end up in unsustainable situations and relationships. Resentment often builds...
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Episode 18 Answering Listener's Question About Developing Intuitive Abilities

In this episode David and Nick answer a listener's question about recognizing and developing your intuition.     Have questions or topics you want us to cover in future podcasts? Click here and submit your...
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Episode 17 Hot Seat with Jeanine O'Connor (Vol. 2) : Relationships Part 3 of 3

In this episode Jeanine O'Connor is back to put David in the hot seat. Jeanine is a master at crafting questions that our listeners want answers to. David does not know the questions until she asks them. This creates...
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Episode 16 Hot Seat with Jeanine O'Connor (Vol. 2) : Relationships Part 2 of 3

In this episode Jeanine O'Connor is back to put David in the hot seat. Jeanine is a master at crafting questions that our listeners want answers to. David does not know the questions until she asks them. This creates...
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Episode 15 Hot Seat with Jeanine O'Connor (Vol. 2) : Relationships Part 1 of 3

In this episode Jeanine O'Connor is back to put David in the hot seat. Jeanine is a master at crafting questions that our listeners want answers to. David does not know the questions until she asks them. This creates...
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Episode 14: The Physical Body and The Part of us that Inhabits that Body

In this episode David and Nick explore our consciousness. How witnessing the passing of someone can help us develop a concrete understanding of what we are beyond the physical body. The conversation starts there, then...
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Episode 13: Owning Your Greatest Gifts, The Opposite of Arrogance

In this episode David and Nick explore a rather potentially triggering conversation around owning your greatness. So many people are held back by not addressing the triggers discussed in this episode.  Listen in and...
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