The Aligned Living System Podcast

The Aligned Living System Podcast

Hosted by: David Waldas and Nick Musica

Our world continues to change and push us in ways that we have not been challenged before. On this show we talk about theses challenges, how to be aware of them, face them, and overcome them in your life. Learn...

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Episode 12: Answering Listener's Question - What is David's Internal Experience of Being Psychic?

In this episode Nick interviews David to answer Jeffrey and Laura's question about his internal experience of being psychic.  Have you wondered what the internal experience looks and feels like of being psychic? Nick...
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Episode 11: Trading in Our Coping Mechanisms

In episode 11 David and Nick explore coping mechanisms. These are the ways we have coped with things we don't like. They are usually a way to shift the way a situation feels for us or maybe have some influence over...
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Episode 10: Laying Out the Truth About Spiritual Development

In this episode David and Nick dive into Spiritual development circles and what they create. This will most likely be a rather controversial episode. Our hope is that you can get curious about our perspectives and...
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Episode 9: Possibly the Most Important Podcast for Empaths

In this episode David and Nick dive into the operating systems of empaths. Why do empaths track other people's energy? How does it effect them? Is it about trauma? Is it just a natural use of the gift? How empaths see...
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Episode 8: Hot Seat with Jeanine O'Connor Part Two of Two

We are thrilled to have Jeanine O'Connor, a good friend and client join the show. She puts David in the "hot seat" and asks him a series of questions that she created. Since David does not know the questions ahead of...
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Episode 7: Hot Seat with Jeanine O'Connor Part One of Two

We are thrilled to have Jeanine O'Connor, a good friend and client join the show. She puts David in the "hot seat" and asks him a series of questions that she created. Since David does not know the questions ahead of...
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Episode 6: Divine Timing (Divine Alignment)

In this episode David and Nick discuss Divine Timing or more accurately, Divine Alignment. Shifting our thinking into seeing the process as an adventure changes everything. Listen in and see how this relates to your...
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Episode 5: What it Means to be an Empath

What is an Empath? What does it feel like?  What is the difference between an Empath and someone who has a lot of empathy? In this episode David and Nick answer those question, explore common coping mechanisms, and...
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Episode 4: Why What's Fun often Changes for People on a Spiritual Path

In this episode David and Nick talk about how the things they like to do have changed since they started down their spiritual path.  You may be surprised by their perspective. Spoiler alert -It is not about rules,...
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Episode 3: How The Universe Communicates with Us

In this episode David and Nick talk about how the Universe communicates with us. First we need to recognize the perspective of the Universe. Its job is to help us become who we are here to be, walk the path we are...
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Episode 2: Our Stories

In this episode David and Nick talk about what life was like for each of them when they first started doing the Aligned Living work and what has changed.  They also go into detail about who this work is a match for...
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Episode 1: Intro to The Aligned Living System Podcast

Welcome to The Aligned Living System Podcast. Our world continues to change and push us in ways that we have not been challenged before. On this show we talk about theses challenges how to be aware of them, face them,...
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