The Aligned Living System Podcast

The Aligned Living System Podcast

Hosted by: David Waldas and Nick Musica

Our world continues to change and push us in ways that we have not been challenged before. On this show we talk about theses challenges, how to be aware of them, face them, and overcome them in your life. Learn...

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Episode 36: Fulfillment, Desire, and Aversions

In this episode David and Nick explore how our aversions don't just get in the way of our desires they actually block our fulfillment.  Join us for this eye opening conversation.   Have questions or topics you want us...
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Episode 35: Living in Your Heart- What it Really Requires of You

In this episode David and Nick explore what it means to live in your heart and what it really requires of you to navigate.   Have questions or topics you want us to cover in future podcasts? Click here and submit your...
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Episode 34: What We Learn When We Teach

In this episode David and Nick explore what they learned from teaching Aligned Living and the expansion that happens when we come together as a group with the intention of expansion and alignment.  Have a...
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Episode 33: Are We Doing Our Work or Just Pretending to?

In this episode David and Nick discuss the difference between doing our work and pretending to. What moves the needle? What makes the difference? It is usually the thing underneath the thing we are working on.  Have a...
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Episode 32: Moving Forward in the Face of Fear

In this episode David and Nick discuss the changes that we are experiencing . We are all feeling a calling to do things differently. What once worked for us so clearly doesn't any more. Let's make sense of what's...
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Episode 31: Certainty

In this episode David and Nick discuss certainty. What keeps us from it, how do we achieve it, and what does it actually look like.  Have a listen.   Have questions or topics you want us to cover in future podcasts?...
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Episode 30: Masculine and Feminine Energy with Amy Guerrero

In this episode Amy Guerrero joins David to discuss Masculine and Feminine energies, how they dance together and regulating your nervous system. You can learn more about Amy and her work...
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Episode 29: Triggers and Internal Expansion

In this episode David and Nick discuss triggers and how our work with Aligned Living has changed our relationship with them. Aligned Living creates a lot more room inside ourselves. When that space is their we can...
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Episode 28: Coming Out of the Closet

In this episode David and Nick discuss Nick's journey of becoming an Animal Communicator. He did not want to come out of the closet with this. You can learn more about Nick and book a session with him at...
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Episode 27: What Aligned living is Really About - The Bigger Mission

In this episode David and Nick discuss what Aligned Living is really about and - Your Role in Impacting the Consciousness of Humanity. There is a much bigger mission that we are part of. It all starts with our...
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Episode 26: This is a Choice Point - What Will You Choose?

In this episode David and Nick discuss navigating the current challenges of all the shifts and changes we are seeing in the world.  Are you getting hooked into the challenges that are unfolding in our 3-D world? Are...
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Episode 25: Moving Forward on Your Path

In this episode David and Nick explore moving forward on our paths. Why do we wait for others to be ready? How do we get seduced into lateral movement?   Have a listen.   Have questions or topics you want us to cover...
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