The Aligned Living System Podcast

The Aligned Living System Podcast

Hosted by: David Waldas and Nick Musica

Our world continues to change and push us in ways that we have not been challenged before. On this show we talk about theses challenges, how to be aware of them, face them, and overcome them in your life. Learn...

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Episode 48: David's Personal Development

In this episode David and Nick talk about personal development. What does David do to keep growing? David shares about work he is doing with Dr Greg Eckel this week as well as how his top performing clients approach...
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Episode 47: Safety

In this episode David and Nick talk about Safety. David has been getting new downloads about how to create a safe space inside of ourselves. This is the first public venture into that conversation. .  Have questions...
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Episode 46: Embracing a New Identity

In this episode David and Nick discuss going through big changes in our lives. Can you embrace the new identity that is required to take yourselves to that next level? .  Have questions or topics you want us to cover...
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Episode 45: Understanding Energetic Thresholds

In this episode David and Nick discuss energetic thresholds. This is what drives our thinking and so often what feels available to us. Feel like you are stuck in a divot? This may be your answer.  Have questions or...
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Episode 44: Politics and Ideology

In this episode David and Nick discuss Politics and Ideology. Really they are discussing consciousness. Have a listen...   Have questions or topics you want us to cover in future podcasts? Click here and submit your...
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Episode 43: What Does it Look Loke to be a High Performer?

In this episode David and Nick discuss what Does it Look Like to be a High Performer? It is not what people think. The work is not done when people see it. That is just the demonstration of the work already...
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Episode 42: What is Internal Expansiveness?

In this episode David and Nick discuss internal expansiveness.  We each have our own definition based on our personal experiences. We define waht it means in terms of Aligned Living and what it creates for you.   Have...
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Episode 41: Prioritizing Self-Care

In this episode David and Nick discuss prioritizing self-care. What does that look like? What does it not look like? What does it have to do with Alignment?  Have a listen...   Have questions or topics you want us to...
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Episode 40: Being Comfortable in Discomfort: The Gifts and The Traps

In this episode David and Nick explore the two sides to being comfortable in discomfort. Many of us as empaths had to learn how to get comfortable in the discomfort the world is always sending at us. We have...
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Episode 39: Using Alignment to Let the Energy Take Care of You

In this episode David and Nick explore how we can use Alignment to operate when we are exhausted or highly taxed. We have all felt our brains being "mushy" Alignment can help when our brains are not! Join us for this...
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Episode 38: The Healthy Role of Skepticism in Spiritual Development

In this episode David and Nick explore skepticism and why it absolutely has a place in spiritual development. Join us for this eye opening conversation.   Have questions or topics you want us to cover in future...
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Episode 37: Processing Emotions Without Getting Stuck in Them

In this episode David and Nick explore expansiveness and processing emotions. What are your intentions when emotions come up for you? Join us for this eye opening conversation.   Have questions or topics you want us...
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