
Davidā€™s Book is Available on Amazon as Paperback, Kindle, or Audible


Insight, Influence, and Flow: A Guide for Business Professionals


This Book Will Empower You to:

  • Develop greater clarity and decisiveness
  • Realize your potential as an influencer and authority
  • Show up in your power – regardless of the audience or situation
  • Find inner calm and stability amidst external chaos
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“This book showed me a solid methodology to be aligned and grounded, and able to reach a state of flow. I have had a direct experience of each of these concepts now – aligned, grounded, flow state – and they are part of my strategy for higher performance and greater peace of mind. Good stuff! One day, this will be taught in schools – or at least in leading edge business schools.”

Brandon Hall, PH.D.

Co-Author “The Success Principles Workbook” with Jack Canfield and  “The Getting Things Done (GTD) Workbook” with David Allen

“David shares insights and techniques that are creating increasingly profound shifts for me both professionally and personally as I apply them more consistently. I have always had difficulty with meditation. Trying to stop the mind chatter was about as easy as stopping a freight train by just willing it to stop. It just was not going to happen. Until David shared a technique that helped me finally quiet the noise. That is worth much, much more than the price of this book. To me, it is a priceless gift! This is a book that has motivated me to be more consistent with using the techniques offered, because when I have tried them… they simply work. They work to improve interactions with my co-workers, friends, and family as well. This one is truly a priceless gem. “

Connie Dixon

Business Consultant and Manager Trainer

“I have done one on one coaching with David as well as group sessions and I have gotten distinctions and breakthroughs from this book above and beyond the coaching. I am blown away by how much I am getting out of this book. It is jumping up to the top of my personal development favorites list. A must read for anyone looking for a system that will provide a fundamental shift. Bravo, well done David!”

Ben Rutkevitz

Vice President, Business Development at Alleon Capital

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